Custom Engineered Jib Cranes
Abell-Howe Engineers are up to the challenge of most any Jib Crane Application. Severe Duty / Extreme Weather Conditions / Any Capacity, Span or Height!
Reaching New Heights with a Custom Solution



Custom Jib Cranes
Abell-Howe Custom Engineered Jib Cranes can be designed to meet your needs. With our experienced Engineering Team at Abell-Howe, large capacity, tall masts, and longer booms are a reality. We have been building custom jib cranes for over 60 years.
- Capacities: Up to 25 Ton Capacity
- Spans: Up to 50 Ft.
- Overall Height: Up to 70 Ft Tall.
- Multiple Booms on a Single Pillar.
- Powered Rotation available in 460 VAC, 575 VAC, 230 VAC, 115 VAC, 380 VAC or other.
- Hand Geared Rotation.
- Hazardous Conditions and Explosion Proof or Spark Resistant Applications.
- Double Boom or Triple Boom Design
- Truss Boom Design.
- Special Paint Systems, SSPC SP6 – Commercial Blast or SSPC SP10 – Near White.
- US Navy or Military Specifications.
- Designed for Seismic Conditions.
- Marina or Barge Applications
- Galvanized Steel Jib Cranes – Hot Dipped.
- NEMA 4 or NEMA 4X Enclosures for Outdoor Service
- Stainless Steel Anchor Bolts, Top Pin and/or Guide Rollers for outdoor service
- Heaters in control enclosure and motors or Air Conditioners for the control enclosure.
- Wall Traveling Jib Cranes and Runways.
We can design and build for you:

Jib Cranes up to 25 Ton Capacity

Spans as far out at 50 Ft available

Mast Height to 70 Ft.
Examples of Abell-Howe Custom Engineered Jib Crane Projects: